D4 Perencanaan Tata Ruang dan Pertanahan

Applied Bachelor Program of Spatial Planning and Land Management

Vocational School

Vision: Become a Center for Vocational Education (Applied) that is Excellent and of International Standard


  1. Conducting applied education to produce competent and professional graduates according to the demands of the global world,
  2. Carrying out applied research and community service and collaborating with the stakeholders, and
  3. Creating a learning environment that is conducive to the development of a professional personality who is committed and applies knowledge and skills development for the improvement of community welfare.

Scholars (8)
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Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota; sistem informasi geografi;
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Urban and Regional Planning;
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Urban and Regional Planning;
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Urban and Regional Planning; Urban Design; Spatial Planning;
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Urban and Regional Planning;
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Urban and Regional Planning;
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Geomatic; Remote Sensing; Photogrammetry; Geographic Information System; PS-InSAR;